Reporting Changes to Your Application

Amending Your Application: Your application to practice law as an LLP in Colorado is a continuous process until admission to practice law. Therefore, you have an continuing obligation to report any changes to the information provided in your original application in writing within ten days of the occurrence/change using a signed and dated Application Amendment Form.

Application Amendment Form: You can find the Application Amendment Form here on our website. Review your application first, so that on the Amendment form you can refer to the application question number for which the change applies and provide all details relative to that question. If you are amending or supplementing information relative to a question that calls for submission of a character and fitness form associated with that question, submit the completed form and additional documentation related to the issue. You must continue to update your application until you are admitted to practice law in Colorado as an LLP.

The Application Amendment Form requires: Your name, last four of your social security number, the application question number being amended, your signature (electronic signature is permitted), the date and a detailed explanation of the information you are amending; such as, a detailed explanation of a new character and fitness issue and/or all the information requested for a particular question such as new employment or new address. Upload the completed Amendment Form to your ShareFile™ folder a separate Application Amendment Form for each question you are amending; include any third-party documentation related to the issue if applicable.